Monday, April 28, 2014

Greek of the Month

     Congratulations to Stephanie Benvengo for being this months "Greek of the Month"! Stephanie is literally the nicest, most kind hearted person you will ever meet. In addition to her winning personality, recently Stephanie won the Residential Life Award for Outstanding Service, as well as became her sorority Alpha Xi Delta's Greek Goddess and brought home the gold for Greek Week 2014. Stephanie is a hard working student yet always seems to have time to take care of other sisters whether it be by giving advice or just lending an ear. Steph was also inducted into the Order of Omega this semester and is expected to go to Columbia University in the Fall for grad school. We're all so proud of you Steph! Shine on! :)

Greek of the Month Number Three - April 2014

Welcome to the Family

  Congratulations to the eight newly initiated members of the Delta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta! 

Now that the girls are initiated they finally got to find out who their Big Sisters are!!

Chrissy (Big) and Christina (Little)

Jacky (Big) and Steph (Little)

Michelle (Little) and Kelly (Big)

Noeli (Little) and Natasha (Big)

Melissa (Little) and Krysta (Big)

Marielisa (Big) and Hanna (Little)


Lauren (Big) and Lauren (Little)

Finally, the last big/little pair was unfortunately unable to submit a photograph. Congratulations ladies! 


       Some of the brothers of Kappa Sigma donating food to the "Island Harvest" Food Bank of Long Island.


“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” | J.K. Rowling.

Sister Holly of the Adelphi Chapter of DPhiE helping to fight against eating disorders and promote positive body image. #ANADweek


The sisters of DPhiE working together to raise money with their anual "Ducttape a Deepher" event!


     Some of the handsome brothers of the Theta Chi Colony at LIU Post waiting to be bid on in their first anual "Date-A-Chi" date auction to raise money for their national philanthropy "Autism Speaks".


     As a part of "TKE-Week" the brothers of TKE played a friendly game of dodgeball against the brothers of Theta-Chi in order to raise money for their philanthropy of choice.


     The brothers of TKE at LIU Post held a Coffee House event in which they gave out raffles, had live music and live performances put on by students. It was a relaxing night with good coffee, music, dancing and singing.


     The new members of the LIU Post Chapter of AEPhi put on a decicious bake sale to help raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness.


     The sisters of AEPhi banned together with AXiD, DPhiE and the brothers of KΣ (Kappa Sig) to put on their very first "ManiCURE for Sharsheret". Each manicure was $5.00s and all of the money raised went to the Sharsheret Foundation.


     The sisters of AEPhi at LIU Post selling Pink lemonade and candy to raise money for Sharsheret (a national non-profit organization dedicated to serving the unique concerns of Jewish women with breast cancer).

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Lambda Legal's "Day of Silence" is tomorrow! You have the right to speak (or not). #knowyourrights
For more information please visit:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


     Some of the sisters of AEPhi (Alpha Epsilon Phi) at LIU Post, volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House♥ #AEPhi #alphaepsilonphi #voulenteering 


Some brothers of Zeta Beta Tau at the Breast Cancer Walk in Central Park #walkforacure #breastcancerwalk #ZBT #zetabetatau

Welcome to the Family

Throwback to Fall 2012 when one of my best friends Willie Wheeler became a new initate of Zeta Beta Tau at Pace University!

Welcome to the Family

     Congratulations to one of my very best friends Amanda Steinberg (as well as her entire pledge class) for becoming a new initiate of the Nu Theta Chapter of the Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity at Rowan University! I'm so proud of you and all that you've accomplished in this short time and I can't wait to see how great you're going to be!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Greek of the Month

     I'd like to congratulate our chapter sister Brittany Ward for being this weeks "Greek of the Month"! Brittany is a full time mathematics major as well as a valued senior saleswoman at Ace Hardware. She was recently offered a promotion but turned it down to focus all of her energy on school and her volunteer work. She is currently helping to raise donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, is the Assistant Publicity Chair to her sorority and still somehow finds the time to tutor students in math ranging from 3rd grade to precalculus during the week. In addition to her daily work and classes Brittany is the new Recording Secretary of CHATS and a devoted Big sister to her little Jessica. Everything that you've accomplished and everything that you will accomplish in the years to come will be truly amazing! Congratulations Brittany! You're an inspiration to sisters everywhere! We love you Britt!

Greek of the Month Number Two - March 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


      Make this super cute pearl bracelet by weaving a string of pearl beads through a blue ribbon. Not only is this craft super cute and classy but it’s also super easy and any sister can make it!

Big/Little Ideas

           Give your little this cute close line family tree by attaching some cute fabric to the back of a picture frame. Once that’s done glue some ribbon from one end to the other but only glue it on each end, not in the middle (so that you can attach the clothes clips onto it). Paint the clips any colors you'd like and attach printed out pictures of each member of your tree to it. Label it family and label each girl by their name "Little, Big, Gbig, GGBig" and you're done!

Greek Letters

Greek Letters


Greek Letters

Greek Letters

Big/Little Ideas

                                 You can fins/shop for super cute "Big/Little Shot Glasses" here



      At first glance this craft may seem a bit hard but its super easy I promise! Simply paint each row a different color and once its dry place stick on letters to the top of it. Then paint the entire plaques black and wait for that to dry again. Finally peel off the stick on letters that you've applied and now you've got multicolored letters!

Big/Little Ideas

     Customize your little’s gift even more by sharing a bit about your tree. If your tree is known for their "wild side" and animal print letters then hint it at her with a cute plaque like this one!

Greek Letters

Greek Letters

Greek Letters

Big/Little Ideas

     Paint any small plaque with a cute message to let your little know that she is welcomed and she is loved.

Big/Little Ideas

     Sisters are the missing pieces to your puzzles! If you've got TWINS then this craft is for you! Simply get a poster board and outline the shape of puzzle pieces with a marker or sharpie. Get a box cutter and carefully cut out the pieces. Paint each piece your favorite color and begin to write these cute little sayings on the insides of each square. "Little gets what little wants" "Big knows best" "If big says no ask grandbig" and so on. Then on the inner corners where each piece touches write that names of each little, big and gbig. Finally (if you’re like me then you love glitter) add some sparkles to your craft to really make it pop!

Big/Little Ideas

     Does your little live far away from you? Maybe in another state or even if she's just studying abroad for a semester? Let her know that no matter how far away you two are your love and bond will never break. This craft is super easy! Simply get some colored fabric (about the size of a picture frame because that's what you'll be putting this into). Then cut out the two states that you each live in and outline the path to each other’s homes in glue and sprinkle her favorite color of glitter on top! You're guaranteed that she'll think of you every time she sees it!


Greek Letters

This craft is super simple! Just spell out your letters in tape, paint over the tape in your color of choice (wait for it to dry) and peel off. Add some stick on gems and you have an adorable poster for one of your sisters.


Glitter runs though every sorority girls veins so be sure to decorate your plaque's with lots and lots of sparkles!