Sunday, March 9, 2014

Greek of the Month

     I'd like to congratulate our chapter sister Brittany Ward for being this weeks "Greek of the Month"! Brittany is a full time mathematics major as well as a valued senior saleswoman at Ace Hardware. She was recently offered a promotion but turned it down to focus all of her energy on school and her volunteer work. She is currently helping to raise donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, is the Assistant Publicity Chair to her sorority and still somehow finds the time to tutor students in math ranging from 3rd grade to precalculus during the week. In addition to her daily work and classes Brittany is the new Recording Secretary of CHATS and a devoted Big sister to her little Jessica. Everything that you've accomplished and everything that you will accomplish in the years to come will be truly amazing! Congratulations Brittany! You're an inspiration to sisters everywhere! We love you Britt!

Greek of the Month Number Two - March 2014

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