Sunday, March 9, 2014

Greek of the Month

     I'd like to congratulate our chapter sister Brittany Ward for being this weeks "Greek of the Month"! Brittany is a full time mathematics major as well as a valued senior saleswoman at Ace Hardware. She was recently offered a promotion but turned it down to focus all of her energy on school and her volunteer work. She is currently helping to raise donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, is the Assistant Publicity Chair to her sorority and still somehow finds the time to tutor students in math ranging from 3rd grade to precalculus during the week. In addition to her daily work and classes Brittany is the new Recording Secretary of CHATS and a devoted Big sister to her little Jessica. Everything that you've accomplished and everything that you will accomplish in the years to come will be truly amazing! Congratulations Brittany! You're an inspiration to sisters everywhere! We love you Britt!

Greek of the Month Number Two - March 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


      Make this super cute pearl bracelet by weaving a string of pearl beads through a blue ribbon. Not only is this craft super cute and classy but it’s also super easy and any sister can make it!

Big/Little Ideas

           Give your little this cute close line family tree by attaching some cute fabric to the back of a picture frame. Once that’s done glue some ribbon from one end to the other but only glue it on each end, not in the middle (so that you can attach the clothes clips onto it). Paint the clips any colors you'd like and attach printed out pictures of each member of your tree to it. Label it family and label each girl by their name "Little, Big, Gbig, GGBig" and you're done!

Greek Letters

Greek Letters


Greek Letters

Greek Letters

Big/Little Ideas

                                 You can fins/shop for super cute "Big/Little Shot Glasses" here



      At first glance this craft may seem a bit hard but its super easy I promise! Simply paint each row a different color and once its dry place stick on letters to the top of it. Then paint the entire plaques black and wait for that to dry again. Finally peel off the stick on letters that you've applied and now you've got multicolored letters!

Big/Little Ideas

     Customize your little’s gift even more by sharing a bit about your tree. If your tree is known for their "wild side" and animal print letters then hint it at her with a cute plaque like this one!

Greek Letters

Greek Letters

Greek Letters

Big/Little Ideas

     Paint any small plaque with a cute message to let your little know that she is welcomed and she is loved.

Big/Little Ideas

     Sisters are the missing pieces to your puzzles! If you've got TWINS then this craft is for you! Simply get a poster board and outline the shape of puzzle pieces with a marker or sharpie. Get a box cutter and carefully cut out the pieces. Paint each piece your favorite color and begin to write these cute little sayings on the insides of each square. "Little gets what little wants" "Big knows best" "If big says no ask grandbig" and so on. Then on the inner corners where each piece touches write that names of each little, big and gbig. Finally (if you’re like me then you love glitter) add some sparkles to your craft to really make it pop!

Big/Little Ideas

     Does your little live far away from you? Maybe in another state or even if she's just studying abroad for a semester? Let her know that no matter how far away you two are your love and bond will never break. This craft is super easy! Simply get some colored fabric (about the size of a picture frame because that's what you'll be putting this into). Then cut out the two states that you each live in and outline the path to each other’s homes in glue and sprinkle her favorite color of glitter on top! You're guaranteed that she'll think of you every time she sees it!


Greek Letters

This craft is super simple! Just spell out your letters in tape, paint over the tape in your color of choice (wait for it to dry) and peel off. Add some stick on gems and you have an adorable poster for one of your sisters.


Glitter runs though every sorority girls veins so be sure to decorate your plaque's with lots and lots of sparkles!



On Wednesdays We Wear Letters

Brothers Tom, Joe and John showing some Theta Chi love on Wednesday March 5th, 2014. Looking good guys! :)


     So at the end of my freshman year it was time to move out of my dorm and back into my parent’s house. When I came home I got a huge surprise. I'll spare the family details but basically Adelphi was too expensive and my parents said that I was transferring schools. At the end of the summer it was decided that I would be attending LIU Post. I registered for my classes and started my semester here.

     So I suddenly decided one day that I wanted to get back in shape. I used to play volleyball in high school so I figured I'd try out for Post's team. Well with my luck I forgot that the volleyball season starts earlier than school so I was out of luck. A week past and I talked to my current boyfriends sister, Nichole, and I asked her how she was so fit. She told me how she had been cheerleading most of her life and it always kept her in shape. So on a whim, I decided to find out when Post's cheerleading tryouts were. I got the information and I signed up.

     One of my friends at the time was very interested in Greek life but she was only a first semester freshman and wasn't eligible to sign up for recruitment. She noticed that the dates for "Meet the Greeks" and my cheer tryouts were similar. She double-checked and they were actually on the same night in the same place, the Pratt Recreational Center (which for those of you who are unfamiliar with Post's campus, is the school gym). We made a deal, I would drive us to Post (because she didn't have her license yet) and we'd both go to Pratt together. I'd go to my try-out while she was talking to Greeks and then we'd both go home.

     So the try-out's didn't go so well, I got accidently punched in the face and was hysterical crying because well...I just got punched in the face! So I walk out of the try-outs trying to compose myself, but really more than anything I'm just angry and want to go home. So I call my friend multiple times and she never answers so I'm forced to go into the "Meet the Greeks" (which was inside this time).

     So as I enter it’s the same as before, booths and people in letters screaming and they're all trying to talk to me but I just ignore them and look for my friend. So the first person to come up to me is my big and I completely deaded her but to be fair I didn't know that she was gonna be my big AND I had just been punched in the face. So I ended up talking to this girl Krysta who is now one of my sisters and she was totally badass, she had tattoos and piercings like me. She just wasn't your typical "sorority girl" and I loved that about her. She asked me to come to Round Robin and I hesitantly agreed. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Throw What You Know

     Customize a "Throw What You Know" sign by painting on your own sign and letters to a poster board.

Big/Little Ideas

      One thing I love the most is when you begin to learn about your family tree and all of the wonderful sisters that came before you. Make your little's day by making a "Family Tree" plaque for her. These cute kisses mark each sister and their names are on the top. If your little doesn't know you’re her big yet and you still want to give her this be super sneaky and write everyone’s pledge name instead of their real names! And happy guessing little ones!


     Spice up any plaques for your sisters by contrasting bright colors with dark colors! This cute flowery design will make any sister smile from ear to ear!

Big/Little Ideas

      What girl doesn't love candy? This clever craft takes the names of famous candies and creates a cute message for your little one! Now let’s just hope she doesn't start eating it before she reads your clues!

Big/Little Ideas

Sorority puns never get old! Draw this little cutie onto a posterboard to let your little know that you can "bear-ly" wait to reveal yourself as their big sis!

Monday, March 3, 2014


      Let your little know all the reasons that you love her! Write down each reason on a Popsicle stick and put them into a decorative jar with your letters painted onto it! She'll absolutely love it!


This fun craft lets your little know that they are the "greatest little of them all". This craft is super easy, paint a piecce of wood or a plaque (any color of your choice), once dry carefilly paint on the "mirror, mirror..." saying. Cut out the shape of a mirror out of some foam sheets and glue on the "mirror". Complete this decorative gift by stickig mirror tape onto the white part on the mirror.


      Customize an ordinary piggy bank by painting your sorority's letters on the side along the side of it. Underneath write "dues" and voila! This cute decoration transforms it from a childish toy to a super cute "Dues Jar".

Throw What You Know

                             Sister Jessica throwing what she knows in Disney Land! -Sigma Kappa

Throw What You Know

                                 Sister Pierce throwing what she knows in Paris, France! -Phi Sig

Throw What You Know

                     Sister Elizabeth throwing what she knows in the Swiss Alps! -Sigma Kappa

Throw What You Know

                        Sister Kayla throwing what she knows at a Lady Antebellum concert! -Phi Mu

Throw What You Know

                     Sister Emily throwing what she knows on her Euro Trip! -Alpha Gamma Delta

Throw What You Know

                    Big Nicole and Little Diana thowing what they know underwater! Phi Mu love<3

Throw What You Know

“Throwing what I know 14,000 ft in the air” -Julie Andrusisin (Alpha Chi Omega)

Badge Day

     Hello Sweethearts! As a part of Women’s History Month (March) we are celebrating International Badge Day! Badge Day is an NPC event that started back in 1997. The National PanHellenic Conference or NPC was founded in 1902 and is one of the oldest and largest organizations in the country. They support over 4 million people in 655 different colleges and have raised/donated over $5 million to different worthy causes. The NPC has started a tradition with the 26 national sororities around the country by choosing to wear their Greek badges along with business attire every year on March 3rd (Women’s History Day). The 26 national sororities along with fraternities and cultural orgs do this every year to show their support and appreciation for women everywhere. For more information please visit:

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Welcome to the Family

     I'd like to personally congratulate the brothers of Theta Chi at LIU Post for officially being colonized last night, Friday, February 28th, 2014. These men worked so incredibly hard to get their chapter on campus and I'm so beyond proud of them for putting the amount of time and dedication that they did into it. They deserve this more than anything and as a member of the Greek community all I can say is:
 "welcome home guys! we love you"


Throw What You Know

As much as I wish I could say that this is me, its not. I found this gem online. I wish that sorority houses weren't illegal on Long Island. Either way its nice to know that AXiD girls around the country still throw what they know!


     On March 5th make sure to stop by Alpha Xi Delta's table and bake sale in Hillwood Commons (at LIU Post) during Common Hour. Spread the Word to End the Word is an organization dedicated to stop the use of the word retarded in a derogatory sense. All proceeds will be donated to Special Olympics, Spread the Word to End the Word!


Sister Britt helping to Spread the Word to End the Word! Keep up the great work sis!

Thank you to everyone for signing our pledge today! You're all amazing!