Wednesday, March 5, 2014


     So at the end of my freshman year it was time to move out of my dorm and back into my parent’s house. When I came home I got a huge surprise. I'll spare the family details but basically Adelphi was too expensive and my parents said that I was transferring schools. At the end of the summer it was decided that I would be attending LIU Post. I registered for my classes and started my semester here.

     So I suddenly decided one day that I wanted to get back in shape. I used to play volleyball in high school so I figured I'd try out for Post's team. Well with my luck I forgot that the volleyball season starts earlier than school so I was out of luck. A week past and I talked to my current boyfriends sister, Nichole, and I asked her how she was so fit. She told me how she had been cheerleading most of her life and it always kept her in shape. So on a whim, I decided to find out when Post's cheerleading tryouts were. I got the information and I signed up.

     One of my friends at the time was very interested in Greek life but she was only a first semester freshman and wasn't eligible to sign up for recruitment. She noticed that the dates for "Meet the Greeks" and my cheer tryouts were similar. She double-checked and they were actually on the same night in the same place, the Pratt Recreational Center (which for those of you who are unfamiliar with Post's campus, is the school gym). We made a deal, I would drive us to Post (because she didn't have her license yet) and we'd both go to Pratt together. I'd go to my try-out while she was talking to Greeks and then we'd both go home.

     So the try-out's didn't go so well, I got accidently punched in the face and was hysterical crying because well...I just got punched in the face! So I walk out of the try-outs trying to compose myself, but really more than anything I'm just angry and want to go home. So I call my friend multiple times and she never answers so I'm forced to go into the "Meet the Greeks" (which was inside this time).

     So as I enter it’s the same as before, booths and people in letters screaming and they're all trying to talk to me but I just ignore them and look for my friend. So the first person to come up to me is my big and I completely deaded her but to be fair I didn't know that she was gonna be my big AND I had just been punched in the face. So I ended up talking to this girl Krysta who is now one of my sisters and she was totally badass, she had tattoos and piercings like me. She just wasn't your typical "sorority girl" and I loved that about her. She asked me to come to Round Robin and I hesitantly agreed. 

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