Friday, February 28, 2014


Hello Sweethearts! Now I can't speak for the boys out there but I know for a fact that as a sorority girl crafting is a must! Whether it be crafting your letters, putting together clues for your little, making scrap books, presents for your tree or just a sisters birthday, crafting is a necessity in every sorority girls life. Now if you're like me (who is still fairly new to Greek life) then you probably don't realize just how much fun you could be having crafting if you haven't started already! The following pictures I do not own and are a collection of cool and fun looking crafts that I have found on various sites such as: Instagram, Twitter, Pintrest, Tumblr and many more. I do not claim to own any of them, I just think that they're awesome and if you haven't seen them before then I hope that they give you the inspiration that you need to take your crafting experience to the next level! Thank you for looking at them and I hope that you enjoy! :)

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