Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One Sweethearts Story

     Hello Sweethearts! Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Breana, I’m 19 years old and I am a member of the Alpha Tau class of the Delta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. Now I know that must seem like a mouthful but I promise that in time it’ll make perfect sense! 

     Growing up I was sent to a private Catholic school on Long Island. I wasn’t very popular in high school but I didn’t really mind it so much. I had a close-knit group of friends who were all guys.
     We may have not been the most popular but for the most part we were very normal high school students. We didn’t go to all of the parties or drink or cut class, none of that really, but we hung out together after school and were just genuinely happy being who we were.

     My senior year of high school I just wanted to go away to school and have a normal college experience. I was always told by my mother not to worry about the “popular kids” because most of them had peeked in high school and wouldn’t be so infamous in college. I graduated on June 2nd, 2012 from St. Dominic High School.

     So naturally when I graduated and began dorming for the first time, joining a sorority never crossed my mind once. Thanks to the media I perceived sororities as a bunch of perfect older girls who I could never compare with. I know today that sorority girls are anything but that, they’re normal girls just like you and me. What fueled that misconception the most was a combination of the media and rumors about sororities. In my mind I could never make the cut so why even try? If I wasn’t cool in high school then why would that change in college? It’s those silly thoughts I laugh at now because now I know the truth: that I was always good enough and so are you!

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