Thursday, February 27, 2014

My First Year at Adelphi

     When you start college you are required to wait a semester before you are allowed to pledge any fraternity or sorority. The reason the university makes you wait is because you need a minimum GPA of 2.5 to join any Greek organization. Since the org can’t use your high school GPA they make you wait a semester and if your GPA is high enough you can go out for an org. My first year dorming I lived at Adelphi University, I had never really been away from home before so I made the most of it by making friends with the people on my floor. I dormed in Eddy Hall for those of you who are familiar with the campus. The picture below is of me and the friends that I made my freshman year of college.

(From Left to Right: Sara N, Eric G, Ashley G, Anita S, Joey O, me, my roommate at the time, Amanda S, Rachel T and Abby P)(Not Pictured: Chris B)
     This picture is of us going out to the Hofstra Strip together. Like I said earlier I don’t drink so I was always the DD (designated driver). These guys were like (and still are) a family to me. They were by my side through a year that I don’t think I could have handled by myself. A lot of things changed my freshman year and without them I don’t know what I would have done or where I would be today. I love you all<3

     The second semester of my freshman year at Adelphi I became eligible to go out for a Greek organization. My GPA was much higher than 2.5 so I made the academic cut, however, I was still hesitant to go out for a sorority. It just didn’t seem to scream “Bre” to me and I didn’t want to do something like that half-hearted. One of my close friends who lived in my dorm came up to me and said:
     “Bre, I really wanna join a sorority but I’m afraid to go out by myself. Please come to “Meet the Greeks” with me”. 
     Now I knew nothing about sororities back then so of course my answer was “no”. She explained to me that going to a Greek Fair or “Meet the Greeks” didn’t automatically tie me to any org. It was kind of just an informal meeting to introduce freshman to the frats and soros on campus. Not knowing what I was walking into I agreed and the next day her and I walked together after class to the “great lawn” where the booths were set up. It was all so overwhelming, kind of like a giant carnival. There was music playing and girls screaming chants and raffles and people giving out bracelets and food. My goodness it was intense. Each booth had huge wooden Greek letters that were painted and displayed by their tables. They had baskets full of stuffed animals (of their mascot) that were wearing miniature shirts with their orgs letters on it. They had huge photo albums showing all of the girls smiling and posing with each other and underneath were short bios of each sister. I had no idea what to ask or say so as I approached booth after booth I kinda just hovered, following my friend and listening while other freshman asked the upper class soro girls questions. By the end of the afternoon I had a lot of fun and it seemed pretty cool but I was still hesitant. I told myself that if she ended up joining then I would too and if not then I wouldn’t.


     Well as it turned out I ended up not joining a sorority that semester. My friend got cold feet (probably because of all of the vicious rumors about hazing) and decided that it wasn't for her so by association I didn't join either. They say that "everything happens for a reason" and I truly believe that because my org, Alpha Xi Delta, does not have a chapter at Adelphi so I wouldn't have joined AXiD, I would have joined a different sorority. It almost scares me that I almost wasn't an AXiD. I love my sisters and I love my org so much. I'm sure that I would have loved whatever sorority I would have joined (had I did accept a bid at Adelphi) no matter what but now being an Alpha Xi Delta I feel I made the right decision for me. Every girl is different and you need to find the org that is right for YOU. It's YOUR decision so never let anyone choose for you. Everything does happen for a reason and that’s the reason I'm an AXiD today.

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